For ICSA2022, we have chosen to prioritise time for face to face discussion. Therefore, presentations must be prepared to take no more than 10 minutes allowing 10 minutes for audience questions. Furthermore, we have allowed time for plenary discussions following each subsession whereever possible in the program in order to allow disucssion of the possible intersections of the deifferent presentations. Each session will be attended by a chair, responsible for monitoring the time and enlightening the author, through a signal, once there are 3, 1 and 0 minutes left to end the presentation. Personal Computer (MS Windows) with Microsoft Office PowerPoint will be available at each session room. No laptops will be allowed to connect to the LCD projector for making presentations.
Oral presentations for Critical Practices are likewise limited to 10 minutes. However here there will be 5 minutes for audience questions hereby allowing time for a plenary panel discussions with particpation of the Critical Practices Panel and the authors of each sub-session af ter each sub-session.
Below you find the link to the Power Point Presentation Template. We would appreciate if you could use it while preparing your presentation. On the conference site a slide desk will be available, authors are requested to deliver there the presentation files, if possible the day before the oral presentation. You are also welcome to send your presentation prior to the conference via email to
full paper Submission now open
Submission of full papers and extended abstracts for Research Papers, full critical practice relfection for Critical Practices, and extended abstracts for papers accepted for publication in the Special Journal Issue will take place via our Easy Chair account by updating your abstract submission information and uploading the relevant files. All files must be prepared according to the Templates and Author Guidlines provided by CRC Press / Taylor Francis that can be downloaded via the link below.
When you upload your full submission please be aware that we consider you to be the data controller regarding any information in the submission. It is therefore also your responsibility to ensure that you comply with your national data protection rules, e.g. for European Union members the General Data Protection Act (GDPR). If your abstract contains personal data it is therefore also your responsibility to ensure that you have the necessary legal basis for disclosing data subjects’ personal data.
Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.
Quick Guide: updating submission information and uploading files
- Log into EasyChair (change to role ‘author’ if you have other EasyChair roles)
- Select your ISCA22 submission in the 'View' column and click “Add files” in the top left corner
- Upload all the relevant files prepared according to the provided templates and the author guidelines (see below) and click “submit” (you must have all the files ready before you can submit the required files)
- Then click “Update information” in the top right corner and fill in the new mandatory fields
- Select 1st and 2nd priority topics (this information will be used in the event that we have to move a paper to an alternative session)
- Confirm that you have uploaded all the requested files (including word AND pdf versions cf. the submission instructions for authors in EasyChair) and submit your changes.
- You will be able to make updates to the submission until the submission deadline
Using the link below, you can download the full package of author guidelines, consent to publish forms and templates for the Full Paper (eight pages) and Extended Abstracts (two Pages) for Research Papers. The template for Full Critical Practice Reflections (three pages) is the same as for Research Papers, only the length varies.
For Research Papers please remember that the Extended Abstract should be prepared as a fluent abstract of the contents of the Full Paper including references fitted to the two pages and not as a 'cut out' of the first two pages of the Full Paper. The Extended Abstract will appear in print in the Proceedings whereas the Full Papers will be attached on a USB stick. Therefore it is also advisable to include relevant illustrations in the Extended Abstract in order to draw attention to the Full Papers, see examples in the author package.
For all submissions, authors must upload the following documents:
- Consent to Publish in pdf format
- Permission Verification Form in pdf format
- 100 word Bio for all presenting authors in a single pdf file
Authors submitting ‘Research Papers for Proceedings’ must upload:
- Full Paper in word format (maximum 8 pages)
- Full Paper in pdf format (maximum 8 pages)
- Extended Abstract in word format (maximum 2 pages)
- Extended Abstract in pdf format (maximum 2 pages)
Authors submitting ‘Critical Practices for Proceedings’ must upload:
- Full Critical Practice Reflection in word format (maximum 3 pages)
- Full Critical Practice Reflection in pdf format (maximum 3 pages)
- Description of Critical Practice Prototype for preparation of exhibition in pdf format. (The description must specify exactly what the authors intend to be exhibited at the conference such as plan/facades with measurements of the physical prototype plus relevant photos, indication of weather-resistance if suitable for exhibition outdoor and descriptions of additional screens, panels etc. if applicable)
Authors of papers accepted for the ‘Special Journal Issue’ must upload:
- Extended Abstract in word format (maximum 2 pages for ICSA2022 Proceedings)
- Extended Abstract in pdf format (maximum 2 pages for ICSA2022 Proceedings)
- Submission of the paper itself must take place via Springer Editorial Manager®
Please note that acceptance notifications will be sent via EasyChair. Unfortunately, emails from EasyChair are often caught in spam filters so please make sure that you check your spam filter and change your email settings so that EasyChair emails are never blocked.